At Zealous, we love using our initiatives to support charities that echo the same messages that we do.
Planning an open call is exciting and a great chance to discover new talent. Whether it’s an award, residency, or commission, there are lots of things to consider.
Whether you’re hosting your first open call or looking to refine your process, our guest contributors share expert insights to help you succeed.
At Zealous, we get to meet lots of amazing people and connect with incredible organisations. One of those is Creative Future.
Hosting an open call is truly an enriching experience. It allows for you to discover new talent and support them, create connections, and foster creativity. However, once the opportunity is over, the real challenge—and the true potential for impact—emerges. This can allow for the nourishment on meaningful relationships and the growth of your community.
As uncomfortable as it can be, sending out commiserations emails are part and parcel of running an opportunity.
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