Helping a student prize support the talent of tomorrow

Zealous helped Pavilion Books give the chance for young creatives to get their foot in the door.

In brief

Discover how Zealous simplified artist submissions for the Batsford Prize by Pavilion Books

Pavilion books simplified their submissions process through:

  • Judging candidates in categories
  • Customising their application forms
  • Selecting winners over multiple rounds

Supporting Students

The Batsord prize prepares applicants for their future endeavours and presents an opportunity for exposure and recognition. The chance for young creatives to get their foot in the door is invaluable.

The prize, hosted by Pavilion Books, is an annual award covering a theme aimed at students across five categories: Applied Art, Fashion, Illustration and Children’s Illustration.

Batsford is open for undergraduate and postgraduate students and offers the winner of each category a cash prize. Previous awards have included £7,000 worth of prizes, exposure to VIP judges and book deals.

Doubling Submissions

  • Cutting down on the admin work: Zealous made the submissions cycle more efficient through customised questions, real-time progress updates and assigning categories. This meant that Pavilion could spend more time on their marketing efforts. A huge increase in their application numbers is reflected over the two-year period.
  • Including their 6 art categories within one submission template meant that the entire process could be streamlined.
  • Multiple rounds allowed Pavilion Books to create a shortlist ahead of the final round. For judges who are time-poor, this saved them a big chunk of time when scoring.

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