We exist to grow your impact

More opportunities for everyone

Our journey began with a mission: to create more opportunities for creators to be celebrated and advance in their craft. To achieve this, we focused on providing the best tools to those supporting the creative sector, enabling them to scale the impact of their programs.

This vision led to the development of a modern, highly visual submissions management platform that allows candidates to showcase the full stories behind their work and empowers judges to make informed decisions through a transparent process that respects their time.

The success of our product has led to its adoption beyond the creative sector by agencies, foundations, and corporations seeking more effective ways to manage submissions for their programs.

Creating a virtuous circle

By empowering more people to create opportunities within the creative sector, we aim to ignite a global explosion of creativity. During our journey, we discovered that our service can help other industries celebrate their communities and engage with their stakeholders.

Since opportunities span across disciplines, we believe that expanding them across all industries benefits everyone in the long term.

Read how artist Maggie Williams grew her practice through Zealous.

Creativity makes our world a better place

We continue to exist to support the creative industries. By serving a diverse range of clients, we can scale our revenue, increasing our positive impact on the creative sector.

We do so by running our own programs (using our platform – of course!) to support emerging creators and organizations in scaling their ambitions and producing works that enrich our world.

Initiatives we have run to support the creative eco-system include showcases, events and awards. You can read more about them here.

Our Journey

so far

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