Meet Jess Burgess, MA Fine Art graduate and winner of the first Zealous Stories, open to UK-based painters. Jess’ practice asks questions surrounding the virtual screen, and has in turn driven her desire to explore painting as a slower medium. A fascination with recipe books has allowed her to break into new grounds, creating her…
As you may have guessed by now, we love celebrating creative talent, and what better opportunity to share some of the most awe-inspiring works by our photography community than on World Photography Day! Here are 10 photographers to watch.
We caught up with Emerge winners Maxwell Rushton (Art Prize), Breantonia (Music Prize) and Nicholas White (Photography Prize).
Meet Pinkie Maclure, Katie O’Rourke and Emma-Marie Smith, winners of the Emerge Craft, Design and Creative Writing prize categories.
Meet Zoe Wenban, Textile Design student and winner of the Applied Art Batsford Prize and Cass Art Award 2018, hosted by Pavilion Books. Creating everything from general surface designs and illustrations, to needlepoint and cross stitch pieces, Zoe’s work may appear colourful and celebratory but it often contains a darker conceptual meaning.
Trained as an Artist Blacksmith, Tobias is fascinated by the plastic state that occurs when metal is heated, and how its plasticity can be harnessed to create beautiful and functional objects. Creating objects that are informed and considered is the main focus of his professional practice.
A passionate, thoughtful and deeply engaging performance artist who truly cares about his audience. Neil was recognised as one of Britain’s top 10 cabaret stars, and deservedly so! An artist who “leaves everyone glued to their seats”, his talent knows no bounds: concert pianist, magician, actor, relational artist, business strategist, comedian, compere and more. Discover…
Meet Diogo Duarte, a London-based Image Maker who specialises in self-portraiture and psychological portraits. Diogo’s strengths lie in empathy and honesty, two traits that allow for the creation of powerful and stimulating art that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional photography.
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