Version 286
For hosts
- Update public vote journey to include an OTP link via email. This will ensure voters action their vote from the same machine they used to make the vote removing friction in the voting process, and phasing out first party cookies.
- Added sort by public vote on the submissions view
Version 285
For hosts
- Link your services to Zealous through Webhooks. New triggers include:
- When a submission is made
- When a payment is made
- Entry status changed (e.g. entry is selected, deleted, etc.)
- Refund is made
- Include the parent categories in all the reports (not just the child categories)
- Link your services to Zealous through Webhooks. New triggers include:
Version 282
For hosts
- Simplify applying presets on the submission step
For candidates
- Allow candidates to preview the application process before applying
- Show accepted file types on the upload button during the submission process
Version 280
For hosts
- Allow for automatic or manual allocation of entries to judges
- The automatic allocation of entries is now optional.
- Allow for automatic or manual allocation of entries to judges
Version 278
For hosts
- Move steps of your submissions process (guidelines, submission, form and payment) to be filled in which ever order you you want. e.g.
- Take payments up-front.
- Start with the application form and then require to upload files.
- Switch on and off steps in the candidates submission journey.
- Require only a form without uploading any imagery.
- Allow for images with no further details.
- Switch off guidelines completely.
- Split the information shown on your page publicly from the information in the guidelines to be reviewed by candidates.
- Move steps of your submissions process (guidelines, submission, form and payment) to be filled in which ever order you you want. e.g.
Version 277
For hosts
- Create categories and up to 3 levels of subcategories from a dedicated page.
- Link categories to colours as quick visual queues.
- Add and disable categories even when submissions are in progress.
- View entries and judges assigned to each categories.
- More information on candidate invoices (address, candidate names – not just emails).
- Accepting webm format for uploaded videos.
- Create categories and up to 3 levels of subcategories from a dedicated page.
Version 276
For hosts
- Create your own comments channels for specific rounds. This allows for conversations you wish to have to include only some of your judges (e.g. discussing different categories…).
- Invite judges to these channels
- Archive channels
Version 274
For everyone
- Update the side menu element when candidates are submitting to highlight when submissions are closing, and who to best contact should they have any queries.
For candidates
- View your entry exactly like the admins and judges would.
- Download your entry as PDF.
- Changed the text from “Drop out” to “Delete” on entries to make it easier to find.
For hosts
- Include the company name on all raised invoices
- Remove the filename from showing to judges
- Status on your opportunity will be “Public vote opened” instead of “Submissions closed” when you switch public vote on.
- Change the “Submit” button on opportunities to read “Apply now” instead. This is based on feedback from clients highlighting the language as ambiguous (submitting should be the final action on an entry, instead of the first).