I cannot express how delighted I am with the Zealous. The number of entries received was double what was expected. This success is highly correlated to the platform; ease of use for High School Students is a very big deal. It is likely the essay contest would not have taken place had it not been…
We love Zealous as we feel that they have the same ethos, supporting emerging artists, communities and small arts organisations, helping them/ us to reach their goals and grow. María GonzálezLon-art (Founder)
Moving our poetry submissions to Zealous has saved time and money as well as being a more eco-friendly solution. We’ve found their online interface very intuitive and user friendly, and the level of customer service has been exceptional throughout. Alice Kate MullenPoetry Book Society (Manager)
Zealous saved us plenty of time, which was a godsend as we were short-staffed due to the pandemic. Anna Carolina CostaEmbassy of Brazil (Project Manager)
Zealous has been a dream. It has all the features we need (and some we didn’t know we needed!). We received our highest number of submissions too, an increase of 22%! Laura EvansUK New Artists (Communications & Audience Development Manager)
Zealous is a welcome alternative to the time-consuming administration of our former system. It allowed our Board members easy access to submissions and the scoring tool simplifies our selection process. Fatuma OsmanCultural Affairs (Embassy Of Switzerland)
Zealous offers a convenient and fair process for managing the applications, but also a way to expose the artists to a range of organisations via judging. Additionally, artists could then encounter other opportunities to pursue on the network. Akua Obeng-FrimpongArts Development Officer (Cambridge City Council)
We received a record number of entries this year, including a big drop in postal/e-mail entries which indicates entrants found Zealous easy to use. Matt FreidsonDeputy Director (Creative Future)
Try our submission manager now. No onboarding or credit card required.