Does it make you feel excited?
Sometimes as creatives, we can get a bit stuck in applying for opportunities for the sake of applying for them. While there is nothing wrong in applying to lots of opportunities, it is also important to find something which you are thrilled to apply for. Some opportunities take a lot of time to submit for and require you to prepare materials such as a portfolio, so you need to want to put the work in to it. Even through there is the risk of not been accepted, the want to succeed should outweigh that.
Do you and your work fit in with the guidelines?
Reading the guidelines is a very key step of applying to any opportunity. It will give you everything you need to know about your eligibility and requirements. There are lots of questions you will need to ask yourself, but here are a few examples.
Guideline Questions
- Am I in the right location to apply for the opportunity?
- Does my work fit the requirements (is it the right size, the right medium, etc)?
- Am I in the right stage in my career (i.e. are they just looking for emerging creatives, do I need to have exhibited a certain amount of times)?
- Is there anything stopping me from applying (do they need the work on certain dates)?
- Am I able to submit by the deadline?
Going through these questions will allow you to accurately judge whether an opportunity is right for you.
Can you develop from the opportunity?
Opportunities provide different chances for growth and development, whether that be through the prizes or the people getting to see your work. It is key to consider whether the opportunity that you are looking at is going to aid you in your career. The best thing to do is weigh up the pros and the cons of what you could potentially be getting out of it.
Possible avenues for development
- Exhibition – is your work going to be shown somewhere? Will it be physical or digital? Where will the exhibition be? Is it open to the public? Do you have to pay to exhibit?
- Prize money – can this money be used to help you in your growth? Do you have some ideas on how you can use it to develop?
- Judges – who is judging the opportunity? Will your work resonate with them? Could they potentially provide you with opportunities?
- Residencies – what would the residency provide for you? Does it align with your practice and your values? Are you able to put the time aside for it?
- Other features – could this help grow your social media following? Is there going to be good exposure?
Just start applying!
Applying for opportunities should be exciting. It is a chance to help yourself grow and feel proud of yourself. There will be times when you are not accepted, which all creatives will understand, but you can also use these opportunities to develop who you are as a creative.