We’re tackling those all-important questions asked by our creative community. In this article we explore: how to get your name out there. Three arts professionals share their wisdom to provide you with a series of valuable insights.
It’s been a while! With museums, galleries and art spaces reopening to the public, you may want to dip your cultural toes back into the art world’s waters. If you’re struggling with what to check out first (both online and in person), here’s a list of 5 events to add to your cultural calendar for…
Boost submissions to your writing contests by listing them on these amazing sites.
The right studio space can enable artists to develop their practice, network with other creative practitioners and gain access to opportunities which stem from their environment. We have compiled a list of studio resources to help you find the perfect workspace to suit your needs.
our months ago, the rules that governed society turned inside out. This left communities isolated, lead to freelancers losing their income and forced organisations to reinvent themselves. Cambridge City Council Supporting communities by commissioning talent With schools closed, parents working from home and the elderly under lockdown, families have either found themselves alone in isolation…
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