To celebrate the launch of Zealous Amplify: Environment, we have put together a list of 10 fantastic environmental artists to hopefully give you some inspiration for your submission.
With the idea that art should have its own reality and not be an imitation, the minimalist art movement allows the viewer to see what they see.
A deep exploration into the opportunities and threats A.I. poses for the creative industries, written by someone whose straddled both worlds.
Although traditionally seen as a paper-based medium, collage is a technique which is constantly evolving. Whether working in a more conventional way, or expanding to the digital and three-dimensional realms, these 10 creatives are ones you should definitely be watching.
If you are launching an award, it will be essential for you to build trust with anyone who might consider submitting to you. The longer your process and the bigger the submission fee, the more vital it will be to convince candidates you are legitimate.
Should you take payments upfront when candidates submit your award? The following article breaks down best practices when taking entry fees.
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