The judging was straight forward with the right amount of information to aid decisions. It was great that you could access it on different devices. I looked at the entries, then did the scores in one go. Annette PughThe Royal Birmingham Society
The way the material was presented for me to look at was exemplary. James LingwoodArtangel (Emerge Judge)
Judging was very straightforward! I liked being able to revisit the scores as I did have two passes on separate occasions, which was useful. Nick DunmurAssociation of Photographers
Zealous was the perfect platform. I would highly recommend this platform to anyone. Dan GoodeMaking Goode (Founder)
I enjoyed the judging very much. It was interesting to see the work alongside the stories. The online process was easy and did not distract from the task. Robert MountjoyThe South West Academy of Art (Trustee)
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