Our Founder at Zealous, Guy Armitage, had the opportunity to speak to Michelle Bowen at UK New Artists about their exciting programmes and managed to get some invaluable tips for emerging creatives too. You don’t want to miss this. Read on!
Working class creatives have been constantly alienated from the arts scene.
Behind the glitz and glamour of an awards ceremony lies a meticulous planning process which, if not executed with precision, can lead to disappointment for all involved.
Looking back at Zealous Amplify: Mental Health and Wellbeing, community manager Bethan and marketing coordinator Carmela talk about all things marketing.
As a creative, having an artist biography is something which becomes increasingly important. Viewers of your work want to know more about you and your journey.
Creative women have been breaking barriers for centuries.
Our mission to reduce the barriers to entry for creating opportunities for the creative sector has never felt so important. In 2023 we promise to do our part in building the creative world we wish to see tomorrow.
You’re a creative, you have a vision for a great piece of art, but you can’t do it alone. You need funding for equipment and space.
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