Submission fees report
The submission fees report is a breakdown of all the money you have raised through fees, including a breakdown of Stripe costs and Zealous fees.
You can download information about all the payments that were made to you when applicants were submitting as a CSV file. This is ideal to import information into accounting software.
To download this report:
- Log in to your account
- Go to the dashboard of your opportunity
- Scroll down to the graph titled ‘Your Income’ and click ‘Download Report’
- This will run the report and send you an email with a link to the report when it is ready
The submission fee report contains the following information:
- Payment Date
- Applicant Name
- Applicant Email
- Applicant URL
- Number of Submissions allowed for this package
- Number of Submission made
- Your Income (Minus Fees)
- Zealous Fee
- Total Paid
- Currency
- Payment Gateway
- Transaction ID
- Link to Invoice