
Submission fees report

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The submission fees report is a breakdown of all the money you have raised through fees, including a breakdown of Stripe costs and Zealous fees.

You can download information about all the payments that were made to you when applicants were submitting as a CSV file. This is ideal to import information into accounting software.

To download this report:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Go to the dashboard of your opportunity
  3. Scroll down to the graph titled ‘Your Income’ and click ‘Download Report’
  4. This will run the report and send you an email with a link to the report when it is ready

The submission fee report contains the following information:

  • Payment Date
  • Applicant Name
  • Applicant Email
  • Applicant URL
  • Number of Submissions allowed for this package
  • Number of Submission made
  • Your Income (Minus Fees)
  • Zealous Fee
  • Total Paid
  • Currency
  • Payment Gateway
  • Transaction ID
  • Link to Invoice
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Submission fees report

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