
Adding categories

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Adding categories to your opportunity could never be easier. This will allow you to streamline your process and easily sort through applicants.

  1. Go to your opportunity dashboard and find the Categories page
  2. From here, select the ‘Add Category’ button
  3. You can add a category name and a background colour, which can be used to distinguish between them
  4. Once you have added the details, click add
  5. Your categories will show how many applicants have submitted to it, how many judges it has, and whether it is enabled. Submitted refers to how many have completed the submission process for that category, where as all shows all entries including those which are drafted.
  6. At any point, your categories can be enabled and disabled by clicking the three dots on the end of the category row – if it is disabled then no one will be able to select that category
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Adding categories

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